Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Taktikal bbs are out.

News from +Taktik Airsoft 

Taktik Airsoft has received our new brand of bbs.

Taktikal bb is our new in house brand. "Design by players for players" is the philosophy being this three year long development. We hope you enjoy them as much as us.

The pricing is simple and base on what we feel it right and fair. All bbs bags are 5000 count no matter the if it's 0.20g, 0.25g or 0.28g. This was something we felt needed to be done. Why pay more and have less bbs? Taktikal bbs are a biodegradable product that is safe for the environment.

Second make the pricing simple for the consumer.
20$ for 5000 0.20g
25$ for 5000 0.25g
28$ for 5000 0.28g

Please leave us feedback on our bbs.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Taktik Airsoft has help EA in Army of Two: The Devil’s Carte

News from +Taktik Airsoft 

Taktik Airsoft has help EA Montreal (Electronic Arts) in the production of Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel. We provided them with reference material for the game and participated in a photo shoot as well.... BTW we touched the masks... :)

Taktik Airsoft is pro-actively promoting airsoft in the community and others as well. The video game world has a special place in our hearts. Taktik Airsoft has part of it's staff active in the gaming industry.

As our relationship with the video industry expands, we never know what the future has to offer us. But we can tell you this... The surprises from Taktik Airsoft are only beginning. Stay tuned to our web site, Facebook and Google+ for what is coming next.

Video Link
7:52 in to the credits you can see us mention.
BTW... Go buy the game... :)